Investing in a Macbook or going for a sound module sucj as the INTEGRA 7?


New member
Lately I've been considering both options but yet, didn't set my choice on either of the options?

What are the pros and cons of both, and what's the best on you guys opinion,

Why would you want either?? Then decide which reason is more important.

And why would you use the term 'Investing"?? Are you expecting a return on your purchase? Outside of enjoyment, that is.
What do you want to do and what gear do you have already. The functions of a computer based DAW (there's nothing special about a Macbook) and the Integra are pretty different. Your question is a bit like "should I buy an apple or an orange?"

With the computer, far more important than the choice of hardware is the software you plan to run. A Macbook (or, indeed, a top level Windows machine) is useless until you add DAW software. However, the Integra is much more about being a MIDI sequencer.