intunes or cd replication or both


New member
whos going with just digigtal downloads
and whos going with just physical cds or both
question are people still buying cds?
At the moment I'm using physical copies to promote what I do, and I usually point people to my reverbnation/myspace profile if they want to listen/download or whatever.
IMO, the physical CD will never die because I know there are others like me that like a tangible product when they make a purchase.

If you're considering what to do, hit up CD Baby and sign up, and make sure you opt-in for Digi Distro. $35, i think, and you get physical sales on their site and digi distro at iTunes, eMusic and several other popular places. And you always have direct-from-artist physical sales too (myspace, shows, trunk, etc).

Like B said, people like to hold a product.
The industry itself, a different story.
Single songs = lesser $ in recording budgets = lesser production cost = lesser manufacturing costs = larger profit margin.
The reason behind the fact that a service is cheaper than this is that the companies order their blank CDs in bulk. Because they save a lot of money, they pass on these savings to the customer.