
Be Loveless

New member
hey folks I just purchased an Intersound IVP for 65 bucks? sitting in a plie of stuff at Teds Music near the Peabody institute. It's a pretty nifty instrument preamp from the late 70's I believe. There is very little info on Intersound (the equipment manufacturer not the record company) and I've read everything that I can find on a google search. Does anyone know about the history of Intersound or what other products they made?
Thats it man. That looks like the one steve Albini has on his site. I'm curious about the company. There is very little mention of them.. I know albini has two units and some Greatful Dead guys once used them. I know that they also made a parametric EQ/reverb unit (wierd). This is all I know. Anyone else have any experience or knowledge of INTERSOUND?