intergrated soundcard help

Eddie N

10 Inch Member
hey all ,

about 3 weeks ago i installed a new soundcard in my computer , but i never disabled the one built in to my motherboard.. now all of the sudden my computer keeps crashing.. the screen freezes , the mouse freezes , hell everything freezes and i cant even control-alt-delete my way out.. i have to reset the machine.. i reinstalled windows , but right after i installed the soundcard drivers the computer starting locking i reinstalled windows again.. this time , with out the soundcard drivers and its been doing fine..

so pretty much, i just need to know how to disable the onboard soundcard in the BIOS.. hopefully thats the problem.. i didnt change any settings or install any software that would neccessate updated drivers..

the computer is a compaq presario.. any help would be greatly appreciated..

- eddie -
I could've sworn I already replied to this...

Eddie...for the love a god, would you please get rid of that stupid Compaq? Cripes... :)

1) It might not be in the BIOS, it might be a jumper or it MIGHT be impossible.

2) IRQ conflicts will cause the problems you describe. Nothing to be afraid just need to disable the onboard audio (which you already know).

3) Enter the BIOS by following the instructions from Compaq. On "normal" systems you will hold down "del" while starting it up. Then it's just up to you to find the damn audio properties and try to disable them. This might not be possible.

4) Go to compaq's website and look up your machine. Try to find jumpers for onboard audio.

5) If you have no luck, then you can quite simply disable the onboard sound via windows device manager. This isn't as "clean" a way of doing things, but it might just work for ya.

6) Sell. Sell now.

Slackmaster 2000 a dummass.. the problem got worse and worse , to the point where it would lock up booting up.. i couldnt figure it out.. i couldnt get into the bios holding the delete key, so that didnt work.. so i reinstalled and didnt install the soundcard drivers hoping to figure out the problem..i restarted holding every damn key hoping to get into the bios with no luck..

so finally out of frustration, i stand up and reach around the back of the computer and unplug whats plugged into the thing you know , i sit back down and the computer is rebooting and the damn bios screen pops up !! i thought it was just dumb luck.. so i go into the bios , and disable the onboard sound card and reboot... i installed my new soundcards drivers thinking my problem was solved , but what the fuck ? it still keeps locking up..

i restart , and get the bios screen again.. so i looked at it more closely and its saying something about an error in pci slot 1.. im like huh ? so i went into the bios and switched pci slot one to the bus master..dont ask why i thought that would help.. but needless to say , it didnt..i still locked up..

so then i reboot, and get the bios screen at start up.. now the bios screen is becoming very unwelcomed.. i set everything back to default and it still keeps locking..

finally , i say fuck it , i pull the cover off the case and take a look.. now 3 weeks ago when i put the card in , my dummass was so excited about having a new card , i slapped the case back on with out screws , and also neglected to put back the lil metal thingie that holds the pci cards in..

i looked at the card and noticed it wasnt sitting flush , sure enough , with a lil pressure i pushed it in about 3 millimeters.. PROBLEM SOLVED.. sunova bitch i thought..

so what was happening was everytime i took out the line in plug on the back and put another back in switching between my pod and my keyboard , because the thingy was missing , i was pushing the card out a little at a time... eventually it started locking my computer... that explains the pci slot 1 error i was getting..

the moral of the story is NEVER OVERLOOK THE OBVIOUS !!!

so now with a fresh install of windows, everything is running fine , and my 2 crappy soundcards are living in perfect harmony..

- eddie -
slack , i want nothing more than to be rid of this crapaq, but alas , my car blew up so now i have more bills im gonna need to pay , so no new computer for eddie anytime soon..

i cant wait though , intel just slashed prices on the PIII's again , and memory prices are waaaayyyy low.. man , i can wait to build a killer system..

ps..i read about a few companies developing 15,000 rpm scsi drives so right before they are released , do you think we should expect to see a price drop on 10,000 and 7200 rpm scsi drives ? that would be nice, being that i like overkill and all..

- eddie -
I would not expect much of a decrease in the price of SCSI drives. SCSI has been around for a long long time and the prices have always been high.

It's kinda like diamonds & harley davidson. It doesn't cost much more to manufacture SCSI fact, often times manufacturers use the same drives and slap SCSI electronics on one and EIDE on the next.

10,000RPM EIDE drives are coming soon though. That's going to be bang for your buck!

Slackmaster 2000