instruments and vocals to pa.. then to cakewalk


New member
I posted this is the mics forum but i figure im wondering about the technique as well. Can you tell me what wires i need to connect everything together with? also if i cant record all together i can record the rest of the band and record the drums while listening to the rest of the band in headphones right? (i guess that was rhetoricle but i just thought of it and it sounded so cool)

hey, im part of a garage band and we want to record some stuff digitaly, i have been browing around and learning the basics and i have a few questions...

we have a low budget and currently we are looking for a PA for our live sound, i was wondering if i can use the pa live and to record by hooking it up to my computer which has a soundblaster card and from their use cakewalk

currently we have two shure 58 microphones which i assume we can use one for vocals?

i want to record so that we can all play at the same time, i asked somebody at guitar center and this is what he told me.

get a pa that has phantom power and two condensor mics to pick up the drums and the band as a whole

then hook up the shure 58 to the xlr input on the pa directly, and then also hook up our two guitars and bass directly as well.

does this all sound relavent? and if so what are some medium range condensor mics that i could buy? or do i need seperate mics for my drum kit?

the only blurry parts to this whole scheme, is how do i hook up the pa to the small pc jacks of my soundcard? and when i get the sound to cakewalk it will already be mixed down and i cant do anything too it? and will i be able to hear the guitars through their amps somehow and record to the hardrive at the same time?

i just typed out like a page... so i will stop for now and reorganize my thoughts thanks to anyone who can help
hey spooks,
firstly what is your budget like?? because there is also the option of going for a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) for your recording....

for the wires you'll need XLR cables for the mics, and normal jacks for the bass/gtrs. you might want to consider micing your amps instead - you'll get a better sound easier IMHO. if not look on your amps if they have a line out on them, as plugging your instrument straight into the PA will not give you the best of sounds.

i can't really help you with connecting your PA to a comp, as i know nothing about this (i use a DAW), but i thought the same thing as you - i THINK what you'd record (if you record the whole band playin together) would be a track on which you wouldnt actually be able to alter each instrument seperatly. as to whether you'll be able to hear the amps while recording them - this depends on the amp i think - i have a friend whose amp is muted when you plug a jack into the line out.

yes, you can use the SM58s for vocals. as for condensor mics, look at Studio Projects's B1,B3,C1 and C3 (although the last 2 might be a bit pricey depending on your budget). SP make very good condensors for their price. you don't NEED seperate mics for the drums, but again you'll get a much better sound if you do.]

hope this helps, and sorry if i've given you false info - this is very possible!!

to mic the amps instead would i want to use condensor mics also?

if this is possible, could i use the line out's on the amps then get two condensor mics to record the whole band and at the same time pic up my drumset?

i think if i find a way to hook the pa up to my soundcard, i would be bale to do entire recordings with the band as a whole AND multi-track. Last night it sounded better to record us as a whole for jam sessions, but doing it the other way apeals as well now.

the only reason i suggested using the pa is because of budget and because right now we have neither live sound for vocals OR anything to record to. Im really getting serious about this so im considering a part time job. im 15 at the moment, and woke up on my birthday morning a few days ago with the worst poison oak on my face ever... good stuff.

also, if i want to mic the drums must i use a mic for the toms, snare and kick? or is it possible to maybe use two, one for the snare and toms and another for the kick?

also, i really just want to try some shit out even if its going to be the crappiest thing ever.. just because its exciting.