installing sonar 4 to laptop--suggestions

Bullet Days

New member
i just got a gateway notebook. here are the basic specs:

2.8 P4 w/ hyper threading
512 ddr
60 GB HD

i'll be using an m-audio firewire 410 for my interface, and i have a 160 GB external HD.

my question is simple: where should i install sonar? the internal or the external drive? i know that i should keep my bundles on the external drive.

i'm strictly using this laptop for recording. no internet, ms office, or games (well maybe those nintendo and neogeo emulators).
I would install the software on the internal drive. With external drives, you run the risk the drive being assigned a different letter than when you installed Sonar, which would surely cause problems. Also, access time with the external drive would be longer than the internal (is it USB1, 2 or FW?), which would cause things to slowdown ALOT! I would also record directly to the internal drive, but you can archive them to the external when you're not working on them.
the external drive will be hooked up via firewire. btw, is there a difference between a firewire cable that has both 6 pin ends and one that has one 6 pin and one 4 pin?
Yes. 4 pin connector means you can't power the device over the firewire cable. You'll have to use another, typically ac, power source.
thanks for the tip guys, it's much appreciated. i found out about the 4 pin FW cable just yesterday. i was wondering why my m-audio firewire 410 wasn't powered.

i think my external drive is busted cos my computer is not recognizing it, so i'll have to figure out how to transfer my bundles into the laptop. i can either burn them onto cd's, or hook up my laptop to my desktop and just do a file transfer (but i don't know how to do this yet).