Installing DiMarzio HS3s on Strat


New member
Greetings to all:

I need some assistance installing DiMarzio HS3, in full humbucking mode, on my Strat's neck and middle position . I looked up their wiring diagrams on their website but could not find one that dealt with HS3s. The pickups have 4 shielded wires and an unshielded one. The colors on the shielded wires are red, green black and white. How do I connect these puppies? I am assuming that both the red and green wires go the volume pot? the rest go to ground?

Any assistance is appreciated.

I don't remember the color scheme,but I can shed some light on the extra wires.Most modern humbuckers run a "coil tap" from the middle of the bobbin so that ,if you choose,you can wire up a phase switch and also switch between single coil and humbucker modes.refer back to the schematics and look for a code key that identifies + and - wires by color.Two wires is all you need for bare-bones operation.

Solder the black and white together and insulate it with tape or shrink tubing. Solder the green and bare wire together on ground. Solder the red wire to switch or pot, depends on the guitar. On a strat it would go to the switch.
That should do it !