Info on Rode mics


New member
Looking for feedback on Rode condenser mics for vocals for home recording only. any replies appreciated. Thanks Pj
Rode NT2 is the industary standard.... GREAT MIC!

Great for anything from overheads to vocal to guitar. Pretty heafty price thow.
BenneB- With all due respect, the NT2 is a cheap, Chinese-Australian hybrid microphone which is made to look like a real industry standard, a Neumann U87, which costs about 9 times as much, and is in all regards, a vastly superior mic. A "pretty hefty price" for a main vocal mic is in the $1000's of US dollars. The Rode Classic II is a fairly bright multipattern tube mic, which begins to approach the level of a world class mic.
That said, several of the Rode mics are good buys for a budget studio, particularly NTK/K2. Hate to break your bubble, but Rode doesn't build world class mics. They build middle level prosumer mics that are generally worth what they cost. An NT2 simply isn't in competition with top level offerings by Neumann, Microtech Gefell, Brauner, Soundelux, Schoeps, B.L.U.E., and others-Richie
Gee, after that, I should probably keep my mouth shut.

Oh well, here goes: I have a RODE NT1000 which has a very clean and neutral sound. It is much less colored than the other mics I use (none of which are mentioned by name in the post above) but in my room I get good results with vocals. I recently recorded male & female harmonies with it and everyone was pleased with what they heard on playback. Unlike other mics in the price range, it's easy to EQ after the fact to make a part mesh with the mix...

I can't go on...I'm so ashamed! Now everyone knows I don't own a Neuman.....
Burst your bubble

Richard Monroe said:
BenneB- With all due respect, the NT2 is a cheap, Chinese-Australian hybrid microphone which is made to look like a real industry standard, a Neumann U87, which costs about 9 times as much, and is in all regards, a vastly superior mic. A "pretty hefty price" for a main vocal mic is in the $1000's of US dollars. The Rode Classic II is a fairly bright multipattern tube mic, which begins to approach the level of a world class mic.
That said, several of the Rode mics are good buys for a budget studio, particularly NTK/K2. Hate to break your bubble, but Rode doesn't build world class mics. They build middle level prosumer mics that are generally worth what they cost. An NT2 simply isn't in competition with top level offerings by Neumann, Microtech Gefell, Brauner, Soundelux, Schoeps, B.L.U.E., and others-Richie

Thanks captain America but If there are good enough for the Queensland Conservatorium of music to use they are good enough accross the industry. Yes i realise that it is not the most expensive mic in the world but it is still what most people with normal pay packets use. I am sure for the users of this forum the nt2 would be a great buy as i dont think there are any millionaire members. There is no need to slander other peoples advice. Fine if you dont like it add your post but dont slander others who are trying their best to help. And I would hate to burst your bubble but the original question was reffered to rode mics. I remind you of the url of this forum...
Oh please, if you knew shit you'd know Richie ain't no pro - read his record man, he learnt how to record on this site. What he says is learnt through hard experience, not through what his tutors tell him at college. Ooh, you're at a conservatoire - big deal. I turned down two places at them so I didn't have to hang around with precious little wannabes like you.

Come here to learn, sunshine, or start a forum for people to gather round your feet.

BTW - If you want to know why your college uses Rode mics, it's because they're supporting Australian local industry. The silly thing is that the NT2 capsule was made in China to cut costs. At least know a thing or two about your own context before you start making xenophobic jokes about other people's.
In Britain? Yes indeed.

NT2 = expensive for what it is, IMO, but not in itself a particularly pricey mic. There are way better buys out there IMHO!
noisedude said:
In Britain? Yes indeed.

NT2 = expensive for what it is, IMO, but not in itself a particularly pricey mic. There are way better buys out there IMHO!

haha yea Australia Sunny one day Sunny the next.
thanks for your info man. Would li9ke to catch up with you on msn if possible have sent details to your email.

1: I didn't see anything slanderous in Richie's post............only comments which are pretty close to the truth.

2: The fact that Qld Conservatorium use them means very little............I can point you to a well respected conservatorium that uses a little known brand of "off the shelf" Chinese mic.......WHY? Because like so many other tertiary institutions they employ dickheads, in this case a wannabe musician that tried to be a recording engineer.

3: If the NT2 was such an industry standard, why would Peter Freedman, Rode's CEO, say two years ago that they would like to kill it off as it's a legacy. Guess why they were still continuing to make them..............they were selling approx 1000 per month, probably to people who bought into the myths and legends created by the marketing dept.

No, they're not a bad mic.......but they sure as hell aren't anything special either.

Wow thats why these forums are great you get so much information that you carnt get from product homepages. Thanks guys I'm learning ...slowly...but surely..

I apoligise for any stupid comments that I have made and ones that I will make in advance.
I use an NTK quite frequently tracking mostly male vocals and some acoustic guitars (larger bodies). They are useful tools and can be had pretty cheaply on the bay ($350 or less)
They have some peaks at 5k and 12 k which I find pleasant on deep voices
I'd like to hear some reviews on the K2
In His Name
Big Kenny
pjh6467 said:
Looking for feedback on Rode condenser mics for vocals for home recording only. any replies appreciated. Thanks Pj
I have Rode NT1, NT2, NT3, NT5 and B5... and out of this bunch, IMO the NT1 and NT2 are the bettter vocal mics.