Indie Radio (need music!)


New member
Hey gang. This may be off topic, but I wanted to post it here as you guys would probably be the most able to help me out.

I'm going to be doing a trial run of an online radio station idea that I had a few weeks ago. I need some great indie music to play inbetween talk segments. Right now, no money will be made, so I can't pay for the music. I will say that, hopefully, if the project takes flight, there will be a lot more people hearing your music than may be right now.

If you'd be interested in having your music be a part of this, please post the urls to the files on here. Please don't post streams. I can't use them.



ps - moderators, I don't believe this to be classified as spam, but if you see it as such, so be it.
I'm not sure if this belongs in the mixing clinic, but I'd be glad to help you if I can. Although if it went to the marketing forum you'd probably get little responses.

As long as it's for broadcast only there's some downloads here that you can use:

Online radio is a toughie, been trying to figure out how to ramp up some traffic meself. Last time I checked, just the shoutcast servers alone there were over 6,000 stations broadcasting audio. Probably best bet is to get some print or live promo action going to draw attention to what you're doing but some good word of mouth might help you fill a server or two. Best of luck. :D
Thanks, Khompewtur!

I dug a bunch of things on there. To you and the people who have private messaged me -- I appreciate the help.

K - yes, I know there are a lot of stations out there. But this is an experiment. Much anything is. We'll see what happens!


ps - I still need more, guys. I'd love to feature your music!
Erik713 said:
K - yes, I know there are a lot of stations out there. But this is an experiment. Much anything is. We'll see what happens!


Well, I'm not trying to discourage you Erik, I'm just trying to help you be prepared. Thanks for using our stuff. :cool:
We're broadcasting video and audio streams. Not exactly the same concept as a radio station but similar. I don't think there's any plans to add 'live broadcasts' on the audio end in the near future. Just too crowded for it to seem worthwhile to me.

I do know some people from the North Jersey area who are doing the whole live broadcast thing though. Maybe you want to hook up with the guys from Amped Up radio, they're already kind of established and friendly likeable guys. Might help if you don't want to start from scratch.

If you want to talk more about your particular setup and what you're going to be running maybe we could pick this up in pm or something.
I'd like to help, but I only have my songs on soundclick with streams. Could you download the songs from my soundclick site and then use them? If I can help you I would like to.
patlang12 said:
I'd like to help, but I only have my songs on soundclick with streams. Could you download the songs from my soundclick site and then use them? If I can help you I would like to.
Isn't there a way for you to edit the songs so they can be made available for download? Or perhaps you could post them on a website/ftp and PM the address to me?

PT - thanks for posting your stuff!!

TheRealSide - Thanks for posting. I'll listen tomorrow (bed time now)!
Our Stonerrock band released a debut CD in september and we are giving the single away on mp3.

You can find the single 'Bostock House' on . Feel free to broadcast it!
Go to my site and take a listen on the song page, there are "snippets" listed. Let me know if you would like to use any. I can send any song(s) you want to a folder to download in MP3 format.