Incubus guitar!!!How??


New member

I just want to ask, how to record a such powerfull guitar sound, like incubus guitars, with just one guitar in the music!
There is some technic do put the guitar playing powerfull sound in the two loudspeakers, something like a simple delay that put the stereo track with the two tracks playing with milisec delay......don t know how to explain!!!

Anyone with diferent ideas, or sugestions?

if you're recording on your computer.....cut & paste the guitar track into another track....pan one a bit left and one a bit right....this alone will fatten up your guitar can also then apply some effect to one of the tracks (eg. chorus)...this also leads to a 'wider' guitar sound

experiement, don't know 'til ya try
Hey polaroid!

Also compression and delay will help, but there is not only one guitar in most of the songs I heard by Incubus...

Record the same guitar with two different mics, different placement.

Make a stereo guitar track.


actually, Polaroid, what you don't want to do is copy a track, eq different, and pan left and right.
Copying tracks causes flanging and comb filtering.

Multiple micing on guitar amps will give you a good mix of the direct sound and the ambience of the room. A good mix of the two will usually be satisfying. However, don't put two mics the same distance away from the amp and pan them apart... I'm afraid that's not stereo either, and you'll have phase problems (unless you have two identical cardioids, using the x/y pattern)

If you really want a "knock your socks off guitar sound", record your guitar track twice. Pan one at 10 o'clock and the other at 2 o'clock (to start off). I'm sure you'll be pleased!!!
Slackmaster2K said:
Step 1: make sure the guitar sounds big and powerful to begin with!

The most overlooked step :(

Slackmaster 2000

LOL... I used to put my fender 15w in the drier to get a fuller sound.
Why was that?

Moisture makes guitars sound weak?'s true, in really humid days I can barely get out of bed...



Chlebek428 said:
actually, Polaroid, what you don't want to do is copy a track, eq different, and pan left and right.
Copying tracks causes flanging and comb filtering.

well...I don't necessarilly agree with the notion that you just don't want to try this at all...I've used this technique (copy&paste - panL/R - throw some effect on one of the tracks) quite a bit and haven't had too many problems with flanging, etc...

nothing wrong with experimentation ('specially when it takes a minute to cut&paste, effect a bit, and see if it sounds ok, then undo if it's crap)
when im producing for metal/rock bands who want that big guitar sound, i do lots of takes with different amps, different mics, different guitar, etc.

but i also take DI's of a lot of takes, and on another day (as long as they pay!), i will re-amp a lot of stuff and try out different mics with more care.

get a mixture of big amps, small amps, and all inbetween into the studio if you want to go all out to get the big sound.somtimes, a small amp can sound great between a load of tracks played on a 4x12 cab or something.

Your own big sound

Why dont you look for your own little tricks for your own big sound?? There are to many people that have copied other bands.

all bands should try get there own style and techique.

most of the large guitar techniques revolve around mainly the same techniques though.i.e. double tracking, adding slight chorus, delay techniques. id say its more down to experimenting with amps and guitars more than the technique.
Slackmaster2K said:
Step 1: make sure the guitar sounds big and powerful to begin with!

The most overlooked step :(
..Thats right,...mics are only like "mecanical ears"(!)...they add nothing,they only must start with within the original sound coming from the amp,wish is a combination of pick-ups,strings,guitar,etç,and the room ambience where you´re recording...
this is a trick i use when in search of a particular sound that will melt with the rest of all other instruments already recorded;
set your amp nobs bass and treble almost extreme (7/8 in 10) and start with Zero on middle, you play the main guitar sequences of the song,ask someone to slide up the middle nob till you say;...STOP!,Thats my voice there!...
pretty simple,cientific as well...!

on some of the dare i say nu metal bands ive done, ive used a combination of big 4x12 stacks, mesas, and, i purposely used a small crappy sounding marshall amp. reason being that the small amp sounded awesome among all the tracks with the bigger amps. experiement with loads of amps. mesa/boogies work really well for metal and rock work. bit pricey, but if it's a serious project, hire one in.
haha, you said the magic place! im from cardiff! give me details?! where did you stay? where are you from originally?! what did you do?!!! yeah, it's a fantastic place! i luckily live in a place high up and veryy quiet. it's nice and peacefull here.
Magic is the word really...well i was working(summertime job in the farms!) near the border outside Herefordshire in U.K.( ...actually pretty close to where Robert Plant lives,as a reference...!!!)and use to travel by car every 4 days into places around and been in Cardiff twice ,i remember a middle-age castle down town where me and 3 other friends of mine use to go hangover/sleep in the grass outside after get pissdrunk...
i´m portuguese...a guitar player as well doing studio work here