incorrect characters on BIOS startup screen

Brian Ferrell

New member
When I boot my PC, I now get a bunch of incorrect characters starting at the BIOS startup screen. After the PC goes through the first usual sets of screens (all with the wrong characters) I can't get into Windows. This has happened to me a bunch of times since I've had the PC (six years) but it usually goes away after a reboot or letting the PC sit turned off for a while and starting up again. This last time, however, the problem won't go away. I thought the problem might be a weak CMOS battery, but I can't find any info online or elsewhere that indicates a weak battery would cause incorrect characters. For instance, instead of 'Award BIOS', it will say, 'Agard BIOS'. Instead of 'application' it will read, 'a''lication'. Has anyone had experience with this type of problem?
i have and its usually a sign of bad hardware..start pulling things out 1 by one and see if it disappears..if it does..then you will know whats causing it.
Yep had the same thing. Turned out to be my aftermarket video card going on the fritz. Sometimes I'd get into Windows OK, sometimes not.

If you're using an agp card & your mobo has onboard video, pull the card & see if that fixes it
Yes, I'm pretty certain it's my Creative Labs Geforce video card that's the problem. My MOBO doesn't have onboard video so I can't check it that way. I've had problems with this card ever since I made my first internal hardware change 6 years ago. Immediately afterwards the video wouldn't come on at all. Tech support suggested I pull out and reseat the card, which I did but it didn't come back until I tried that a bunch of times. I've thought that it was a bad solder joint and tried resoldering connections that looked bad. That seemed to help for a while but now I can't get the card to work right at all. What do you want for $325.00? Thanks for your help people.
If you are seeing a corrupted screen on BIOS bot then the problem is almost certainly the video card. If the BIOS is corrupt then the PC will most likely not boot. SInce no drivers are involved at this level the only thing left is the video card and its connection to the mother board.

Change the video card to see if the problem goes away.
Yes, I took an old AccuSTAR 2 video card out of my P2 computer and replaced the Geforce with it in this computer. I only have VGA mode now but the characters are all correct and the screen doesn't go blank. I guess it's time for a new card. Thanks again for your help.