Income Tax time... Please help me finalize my purchase on some recording equipment.

noisedude said:
Fuck ... are you SERIOUS??? Please tell me because my British humour is obviously not working against your .... well, wherever the hell your humour's from ... Hawaii?!?

Well, what does an NS-10 sound like? Thats why we made an immediate connection.

It would be WAY better to get one of those low level radio transmitter deals ( not that much money really) and broadcast to my driveway
pipelineaudio said:
Well, what does an NS-10 sound like? Thats why we made an immediate connection.

It would be WAY better to get one of those low level radio transmitter deals ( not that much money really) and broadcast to my driveway
Errr ... an NS-10 sounds like putting your ears in a mangler ... or at least with my crappy mixes it does!

So you actually mix on car stereo speakers? What's the ratio of usage between them, the NS-10s and those Mackies?
99% of the time on NS-10's

On the rare event that I have a 2 way 6X9 with a paper or fiber cone, Ill use them quite a bit more, but they blow awful fast

The mackies will tell you a LOT, but they will lie like pigs. Still very helpful when looking for the first resonances of bass guitars or kicks or toms.

If there are rappers around the mackies are on the whole time
Hahahaha ok. I find NS-10s tiring and abrasive ... why do you choose to work on them most of the time? Is it simply the old addage about making things sound good on them?

I'm interested. Sorry for hi-jacking the thread!
Familiarity probably. I find that If I mix on any other speaker, it may or may not sound good on the NS-10's and will likely not sound as I thought elsewhere, but if I make it sound good on the NS-10's it sounds great on the mackies and anywhere else.

Just the bottom can be tricky

Im looking into those new HS seris that look likepowered NS-10's wih more bass

For this thread though, the guy had little money to spend on onitors,and at that level, I really dont think anything would make me more confortable than 6X9's. I can have and will mix whole albums on them with no qualms.

Just load up ACDC- you shook me all night long and check. If that doesnt absolutely KICK ASS then you need to change your speaker boxes, or make some yourself. 6X9's will beat your head in. Of course nothing will sound like the box that is a musclecar's trunk, but you can get close
re: gear

Not sure where you're at in your gear decision making but if you up the budget about $50 for a compressor you could afford an FMR audio RNC or a used Art Pro VLA. I have both the 266xl and an RNC and the DBX is a piece of junk. The RNC looks like a toy but works great for certain things. I've heard some good stuff about the ART unit and the i/o connections are balanced if I remember right. There's also the new RNLA if you need a limiter more than a compressor.

good luck
kobuk said:
Not sure where you're at in your gear decision making but if you up the budget about $50 for a compressor you could afford an FMR audio RNC or a used Art Pro VLA. I have both the 266xl and an RNC and the DBX is a piece of junk. The RNC looks like a toy but works great for certain things. I've heard some good stuff about the ART unit and the i/o connections are balanced if I remember right. There's also the new RNLA if you need a limiter more than a compressor.

good luck

Thanks for the advice. It doesnt look like the RNC has an on/off switch? It doesn't matter I could just use a surge protector with on/off switch. :D

Guys help me out with the monitors. I can only stretch as far as $499 but I would prefer something under $349. Im narrowing it down to either the Beri 8" Truths, whatever the best KRK series under $499, and the M-Audio BX8a's?
Any other opinions.

Final purchases:

Compressor = RNC (Samash has it for $189.99)

Mic = AT 4040 or whatever Chance can offer me for a group buy

Hard drive = 36GB Raptor and 76 GB Raptor HD (cannot afford new 150Gb model)

Soundcard = Im gonna stick with my Audiophile 24/96 for a little while (Until I get enough for a LynX 2 A card setup)


Items unsure about:

Headphones? AKG or Sens

Monitors: Beri's or M-A 8Xa's