In the mean time... first one of mine in a while


New member
Here is one that I just finished. As always, take a listen, and I appreciate any comments.

EDIT: New version attached to post 6 below.


  • In the mean time 5.mp3
    6.4 MB · Views: 17
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Great song. If I was to hear it on the radio, I would expect to hear more production value / more compression in this day and age. But I think that stuff would make it worse, I really like it how it is now. I think the higher pitched synth sound might be a little too in the front with the vocal in some spots. It's right in the same space, perhaps with a more spread out image it would give the vocal more room. I have gotten so used to the ezdrummer sounds (from my own stuff) over the years that it drives me crazy, but barring the fact I recognize it so well, I'm sure that it works well with the song. Nice!
You are quite correct that I did use ezdrummer. I almost changed it to the kit from the americana ezx, but it didn't fit quite as well with the song. I think it may be a little bit quiet. I just didn't like what the master bus compressor was doing to the cymbals if I pushed it any harder. I may go back and see if I can fiddle with it to get an extra db or two. Not that I condone the "loudness war" mentality... I just think I'm not anywhere close to that territory yet.

I tried moving the high part (its a guitar btw) somewhere else in the mix. The problem is that its basically picking out notes from the main chords, so it didn't quite sound right anywhere else. I may see if I can pull some midrange out to stop it from stepping on the vocal.
I thought it was a nice song that was performed well. Nice singing voice.

It seemed like everything was missing a lot of high end. The snare, for example, seemed a little on the dull side. They keyboards and vocals, to a lesser extent, sounded that way too. I guess I'd say the same thing about the guitars.

I'd work on vocal mic technique. There are words at the end of phrases that get lost. I don't know if harder compression is going to be able to do enough to fix that.

I didn't care for the keyboard sounds. They sounded a little "cheap" to me.
The vocals are very loud, they're burying everything else. They also vary greatly in volume. The drums and bass are too soft. The guitars sound dull, did you roll of a lot of the the highs?
I made a few edits based on your replies. I think I was so focused on getting this to sound punchy and warm that I neglected the high end. I tried to fix that here. I also did a lot of work on the vocals.


  • In the mean time 6.mp3
    6.4 MB · Views: 11
Nice job,

This is a difficult song to pull off without sounding dull, but you did a pretty good job of getting that lazy feel with an overall interesting production.

Thanks for posting.
Very good. I was happy with the snare until the instrumental and then had to agree with others that suggested it needed a bit more presence. I also agree the vocal is very loud but it suits the vibe and I am wary about offering opinions on changing it.

What I would do is find a song you like as a benchmark and listen to it through an open door in another room, and then listen to your song the same way... This way you can check how the main ingredients of your levelling and EQ are working out.
I like the tune overall, and to me the mix sounds very good.

The only thing I didn't care for arrangement-wise was the thin-sounding mix during the guitar solo. The guitar tone is a little muted. Also, for most of the rest of the song, the long notes in the keyboard and bass support and thicken the piece; but during the guitar solo, the supporting parts are playing shorter notes, and it feels kind of like the song is a lot less "meaty".
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I think the bass guitar is a bit dull sounding, and the vocals are a little bit too forward in the mix, I would personally compress the vocal more. The guitars sound good though and are well recorded