In the beginning I was clueless (2002)

Lord Target

New member
I´ve found this track 1 day ago and couldn´t believe how disregarding I was when I bought my first interface.

That was in 2002, the same year of this track. The net was a different game. You kind had to do stuff by intuition. I couldnt play all the instruments a great deal too.

Anyway, this track is awful in a certain meaning. But I cracked into laughing to check where my head was at the time and what in name of jesus I was trying to say with a song like that.

I´ve found the session and made a print for you guys just check out the nothingness on that session. And probably I was thinking that it was ok, because maybe, back then, sounded ok.

Oh, so many mistakes... Off-tempo parts, poor panning, poor plugin knowledge and it goes on...

But I like this crazy guitar on it, and maybe what the track could sound if it was to be replayed properly...

the print of the session:

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It's a weird sound indeed. I assume you know now that this song is rather aimless and lacks a musical direction. However, it is quite mesmerizing and I couldn't stop listening to it from beginning to end.
It's a weird sound indeed. I assume you know now that this song is rather aimless and lacks a musical direction.

Music direction, that´s the word I havent found to describe it as well. Too long of a track and few things happening. Maybe it´s hypnotic groove which makes just a bit interesting.

Really, I didnt know about song structure or anything... just played along.
i like it.

I did too. The creepy laughter was creepy, and I didn't like that much at first. But then I thought what the hey, why not? It's a good weird swing. I kind of envisage someone walking around some strange city streets on some seriously mind altering drugs to this music. Yeh, I like it, it's original. It works for my ears.
I did too. The creepy laughter was creepy, and I didn't like that much at first. But then I thought what the hey, why not? It's a good weird swing. I kind of envisage someone walking around some strange city streets on some seriously mind altering drugs to this music. Yeh, I like it, it's original. It works for my ears.

I agree w ya in parts. Maybe I could claim this weirdness could be the ´thing´ on that track. But besides that, I mean, I didnt even employed eq.! The parts off-tempo, some dissonances by mistakes... etc etc

The disregardness towards it, that´s what bothers me.