In Need of Tips for promoting my music for Free


New member
Hey Folks. i been triying to promote my music on the Internet that it's a fast and quick network and also free, since im a musician that its just starting i really have a low budget and i know "if your music is good they will come to your music" but also i know from this little experience if you wanna really promote your music you have to work and share it everywhere, i tried on youtube, facebook, twitter, tumblr, lastfm, etc.

At Youtube its hard to promote a video nowadays i remember in the 2006 when you upload a video a lot of people could watch by relatives but now its a truly bussiness of promoting it, and i had to comment on every video i could spam the message to check out my channel.

On facebook i shared everywhere i could i even personally messaged my band profile to 200 contacts with probably only a 2% listen to it

Anyways my point its, if you guys have any other tips i could use if you got contacts or E-mails from radios in the Uk, USA, Australia, Spain i dont know any country you are at radio email that i can contact for share my music it could be really nice and also we can make a List of contacts in this forum so we could help each other to promote our music around the net for free what you guys think ?
You need amazing looks, magnetic personality, excellent voice, fabulous songwriting to make it in the music business. Luck doesn't hurt but you have to be able to deliver when your opportunity comes up. It won't happen hangin out on the computer on FB. You have to get out in public and promote yourself.
Damn man thats what i hate from music bussiness to pretend something that im not, becouse i just like doing music, i tell experiences in my music of things i lived, i live and i want to live, so its hard to do that for me, and i just wanted some contacts for online radios you know, its true i have to promote my self but where ?
I know a guy at work who promotes himself online. There's actually services which automate a lot of the YouTube stuff (without breaking the rules and getting you banned) called TubeToolBox which he swears by. You might want to take a look into stuff like that.

There's a million and one ways to do this kind of thing I guess but you need to have good quality stuff in the first place.