In need of some fresh ears =)


New member
Hey guys and gals. I'm in need of some fresh ears. I'm also in need of some pro advice regarding two songs my band and I have recently recorded. =) Any comments are greatly appreciated. These two songs are of different styles than I'm NOT used to mixing/mastering. I'm trying to get them ready for please...give me hell =)
Oh, I almost forgot, I'm planning on taking it to a Mastering pro friend of mine..but lets just pretend I'm not...I'd like to see how far I got myself.

Two links near bottom of page
in your 2nd song, it's interesting how your keyboard disappears when you collapse the mix to mono. check it out....

I thought the recording was ok,..nothing to get too excited about, but the mix had problems with relative volumes of the diff instruments and stuff. Interesting in the first song how the 2nd ld guitar pushes the first lead gtr over to the left channel as it now becomes front and center. Not a technique you hear all the time, but using this as an example, the lead is way to quiet when it starts out... at least that's my take.

I'd let it sit a couple days...or a week, and try a remix and see where you are at.
Thanks. Good advice man. I think the keyboard problem is a volume issue...I'll check it out...may wait a week or two though. I'm taking your advice and taking a break on these it's a great time to sit back and listen to suggestions and the like. I'll write notes and listen to other folks songs on this board. Wow, there are some really good ones here!
Any other comments guys? I'd like to write a couple things down I need to work on when I get back to the songs.
Okay..... first let me say I'm no pro ..... and I'm about half deaf... but this is what I heard. Listened to the first one. I like the song. I wish my sound quality was that good. It's certainly not.

I like the vocal a lot and wish I sang as well. Like how the band kicked in. I think that as a first time listener to this song..... the vocal needs to be louder, or the lead guitar during the solo needs to be quieter. I mean you can almost hear everytime the pick touches the pick guard on that electric :) The playing is good though. I just think that on this song the vocal should strike the listener with pretty close to the same level and impact that the guitar solo does. Except at the end where it builds. And at the end.... where the two guitar solos are going..... you should come up with parts that compliment each other. Like harmonies between them, or bouncing leads... or just something that makes it seem like the two are on the same page.

All just my opinion, and I'm just another musician with just another opinion.

Good song..... I've got a rehearsal to go to.... but if I get some time I'll listen to the second one too.