importing wav files into cubase sx


New member
hey folks . . . i'm a newcomer to the forum. i have been using a br8 to record, but wish to bring the tracks into cubase for further editing. i have converted the tracks individually into wavs, and have imported them into individual tracks. when i play the tracks, the sound (output) stops after about a 1:50 or so, but keeps playing. when opening the same file/track in sound forge, it plays the entire length of the track, which is 3:50. when playing the sam wav in winamp, it also plays the entire file, but shows to be 1:55. this is pretty wierd to me, but am new to cubase, so i am unsure what it could be. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


It could be that the sampling rate of your original file is only 22050 Hz, and Cubase is set to play back at 44.1kHz. That would account for the shortened time. It really depends on what kind of .wav file is output by the BR8...

...if there are more than just one soundfile...

How have you arranged the soundfiles? Do they all begin at ""? Maybe some of the .wavs begin later in the song.

What is the bpm of your song? Make sure that matches.

Make sure each of your files is playing in an "open" channel, and that the fader is up.

Cubase will keep "playing" until you stop it... if that's a half-hour later :eek: although you wouldn't hear anything.
thanks much for your response. i think you're right, i think it has to do with the sampling rate. what is interesting, is last night i converted the same file with the same software, and brought it into cubase vst 5, and it was fine. i will try again with sx, and choose a different sampling rate.

cheers! peter