Importing Shure Mics


New member
I want to purchase some PGDMK6 drum mics and live in the UK.
Here you cant find the mics for under £329, however I have seen them advertised on American eBay new for $299, about £160, obviously a huge saving!

Just wondered apart from eBay, where else can I purchase these mics in the US and have them sent here? Must be an online purchase. Just the major online audio retailers will do! Emphesis on major as I dont want to know they will get to me.
I've never heard anything good about the shure PG mics, I'd urge you to get a decent kick mic, (ATM25, D112 etc.) and a proper pair of overheads (mk012s) for starters, a 57 or whatever you like for snare. Better to have 3 - 4 half-decent mics than six crap ones in a carry case.
So would the DMK57-52 be a better option? I understand these are the model up, and the only other Shure drum mic kit? I realise they dont come with overheads.

I dont want to spend too much, was using one Behringer B5 and Stagg Bass Drum mic before so anything would be an improvement! As cost is a big issue I might just have to go with the PG ones.

Are there any other options about this price range? Kits preferably rather than individual mics.

Also music123 doesnt have the DMK57-52, any other sites?

I agree, that with your budget you'd be beter off with a few nice mics rather than 6 not so great. I own the AKG D112 and a pair of the Oktava MC012's and they make a fine minimal drum kit set up. Add a mic for the snare (could be one you already own) and you have a fine drum setup. Dont waste your money.
tomraffe said:
Anyone else ever used these mics?

I was looking at them but they wanted a ludicrous amount of money to post to ireland at the time - maybe diferent now. Sound on sound reviewed a couple of their mics - search for red5.

dot said:
We have all the Red5 Audio mics here and they're excellent. We've been using and testing them for almost two years. The only mic I don't feel is up to par so far is the RV4 small diaphragm. The RV8 cardioid-only, RV10 multi-pattern are especially good mics that work on a lot of sources. Vox, acoustic instruments, amps, drum OH's. Neutral, open, and airy.We put up about 15 mics on drum OH's and the only mic that beat out the RV8 was the 414 B-ULS. The RV8 took a solid 2nd place. The RVD1 large dynamic kick mic is killer. Their RVK7+ drum mic kit with the RV8's as OH's is an incredible package.

The RV8 could very well be poised to be the next killer budget "workhorse" mic.

Just starting to test the new RV6's.

I wouldn't get the kit with the RV4s