Importing from Logic to PC


New member
My friend uses Logic (Mac) and wants me to mix some of his songs, I use PC (Reaper or PT). How do I get it so that the audio files start at the right time. (eg - a backing vocal that starts half way through the song) If I just import the Audio files they all start at zero!

Any ideas/solutions?

i was using logic up until a few months ago, and when i sent the song folder over to a reap user the tracks didn't line up. he had to drag everything into place. i switched to reaper right after that. i checked the manual and didn't see anything but i seem to remember seeing something about this. hang on.
When he exports each track, it needs to start at 0:00 and go for the length of the song.

Yes, the files will be bigger, but each track will start at the same instant and automatically line up....
When he exports each track, it needs to start at 0:00 and go for the length of the song.

Yes, the files will be bigger, but each track will start at the same instant and automatically line up....

i did that when i was still using logic. it didn't work. the guy(Greg_L) still had to drag everything into place.
If every track starts at 0:00 (the beginning of the song) they HAVE to all line up.

Think you did something wrong....
Yes I thought of that. But it seems overly intensive for a simple thing..............

Nope, it's the only way. After all - it's NOT a simple thing. All info on everything except the audio itself is kept within the project file. You can't take the project file, so you only have the audio. There's no way that the new program is going to know what to do with said audio.

The only way to simplify is to bounce the tracks down in groups - limiting your options for mixing later. (I.e. toms together rather than seperate, guitars together etc.)

ProTools has a very convinient function for cross-program bouncing (not actually intended for this but does the job). Select all your tracks, and Process>Gain 0db. The gain process doesn't actually do anything, but it WILL bounce you down full length audio files for everything, and conviniently name them "*_GAIN" for easy identification.
doesn't always work exactly as one might want but if Logic exports to 'BWF' (broadcast wav) audio format it includes timing info that can be used to align tracks & PT supports BWF . . . at the very least can get you in the ball park easier then strict manual