Import Cakewalk into Cubasis

Spector Junior

New member
Complete newbie here. I, would-be McCartney, have Cakewalk Home Studio 2004 and my would-be Lennon missed the memo and is wedded to Cubasis VST. How can I send him my Cakewalk files to add to/play with on Cubasis, and how can he reciprocate?

Thanks for any information you can provide,
Spector, Jr.
If Cubasis can import/export OMF files, that would probably be the best method.

If not, you are going to be forced to export individual wave files for each track. Tedious, but it will work. If you go this route, it is recommended you put a click someone on each track so they can be easily realigned in the other program.

OTOH, if he is simply providing tracks for your project, another approach might be to send him a stereo-track mixdown of your entire project (i.e, a single file with all the tracks). Let him add his track to that, export the new track (solo) as a wave, and then you can import that wave into your HS project.