

If my waveforms aren't symmetrical, is it usually the fault of the soundcard? I can't see the mic causing that.
Is this a major problem-causing error? So far, I can't discern any audible problem. Just curious!

Win 10
Asus computer
If it is actually DC offset, then it is probably the soundcard's fault. Even if there's some other device laying the DC onto the signal, the soundcard should strip it out.
The appearance of my wave forms is symmetrical-ish . . . but never really symmetrical. I'm not sure that you would get exactly symmetrical unless you recorded a pure sine wave
I assumed the poster saw that on a scope with a sine wave.

It'a possible OP is viewing the waveform on a scope.

More likely he (or she) is looking at a waveform in a DAW. That would be the first you would see if you are recording.
If you are talking about a DAW track display, the DAW has to generate a graphic which, really, just has to be representative of a complex waveform. In my little experience, In and Out on a signal generating device and a receiving device were not very Hi-Fi, in the first place.