Im trying to mix vocals and I need help

Do you mean his ess's -they're sticking out- damn near in the same place as the crash cymbals. Is that their natural state or are you boosting both up there would be the first question to ask.
Difficult to troubleshoot without knowing what eq is on them already, but I'd say look at that first, tame the sizzle, take a look at how it 'speaks in the mix then, and look at where your want to shape it from there.
You're talking about how some of the lyrics are buried here and there? Compression will go a long way to getting quieter words in a phrase to cut through the mix. Sometimes, you might have to use automation to bump up individual words and phrases. Depending on the dynamics of the song, you might need to automate whole sections too (e.g. bump the vox by a dB or two during the choruses)
There are many more issues in the mix than just the vocals. I'm not even sure where to start. Just being honest. Not trying to be a dick.

There is a bunch of things that should be addressed. Definitely the vocals, though I think you will be chasing the goal, without working with the vocalist. Though, without having the tracks at hand, it is hard to judge whether you have done something screwy to them already. They may be workable, but no way to tell without the individual tracks.