I'm struggling with this. Rap song, 6 tracks.

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Hello guys. The reason I'm asking for a mix is because I'm slowly getting more and more disappointed by how I just can't make all this sound right in my DAW.
I'm currently waiting for the middle of january for a certain studio in my town to open and I'm going to have everything mixed and mastered there but I'd really like to come there with the best I've got.
I do realize the chorus tracks need to be redone but when it comes to the verse tracks I'm struggling really hard.
I've tried recording the tracks louder, more quiet, more aggressive, more calm, but every time I just can't seem to be happy with it.
I'm pretty sure it's because of my inferior mixing/mastering skills so I'd like to ask you for help.
It's not much work, there are 3 chorus tracks, 2 verse tracks and the beat.
I really hope one of you guys can do this for me just so that I'm convinced to stop working on this song and begin others. It's really mind numbing.

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Saying you're not happy narrows the possibilities down to say....... Infinity ;) so...what exactly are you not happy with? What do you want it to sound like - reference commercial released song or 2.

Can you post your mix?
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I guess I just need someone to tell me what tracks do i exactly need. Like for example I'd need 3 tracks for each verse, 1 lower tone and 2 higher, something like that. I'm pretty clueless man... If anyone's willing to help I can drop some better tracks and hope that someone can teach me how to arrange it all and then mix and master it so it sounds like an actual song not like a wannabe track mashup...

I think this would be my reference


I'm always looking up to Dan when I'm writing a video game song.

Do you guys think you could sacrifice an hour or two to answer all my questions and in the end mix and master a track for me? I know people pay for that kind of stuff... Would be really grateful
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Let me start off by saying this genre is not my strongest suit but it seems to me that the vocals are not emotional i.e., very monotone - meaning they lack energy. Additionally, there are pitch issues with the backing vocals and some of the timing seems off. These are all performance issues that through repetition (not that you have done it over & over again) should get better - just keep working on the performance.

Listen to the song you provided as a reference. There are spots where the vocals get very dynamic in emotion and energy. That's what you should be trying to achieve IMO. The beat track in your song is not very dynamic so your vocals need to push the song along to keep it interesting. This is a 4 minute song so I'd suggest starting a bit laid back and as the song progresses increase/vary the dynamics of the lead vocals as well as the backing vocals.

At the end of the day what you need is a producer so, what your are actually asking is a pretty big ask. My advice is to keep hammering away at it. You should also post your mix in the MP3 clinic. I'm sure you will get additional feedback.
Thanks Simman, I'll definitely work on the song's energy and it's progressing. In fact this might solve a big fraction of the problems I'm currently stumbling upon while listening to my rap tracks.
You're welcome. Once your get the energy level where you want it in the lead vocals, then you can riff of on the baking vocals. I would recommend having a lot of layered vocals (double track) throughout the song and through in vocal hits/accents that ultimately billed up as the song progresses.

I'd focus on getting the arrangement and performance nailed first; worry about the mix later.