Im still new, another cubase question


New member
OK Here is my question, Is this possible:

If I record 8 Tracks on cubase, than is it possible to send those 8 tracks to my 01V, via the firepod, so like route tracks 1-8 from cubase to the line outs on the firepod, and from the lineouts go to the 01V. In the 01V add some FX or Eq or whatever, than send whichever channels back to the firpod and record again onto new tracks, the tracks that are now processed etc etc, or just send L/R via S/PDIF? does that make sense ???

And also, I am trying to just send an audio signal from the line outs of the firepod to a seperate mixer I use for monitoring, but I am not getting any signal. Any ideas, do you need more information ?? Let me know if you can help at all and I will give you as much info as I can.
Sounds like your set up is a mess. the 01V is a digital mixer with insane routing, monitoring, i/o etc. Having an extra mixer and a firepod is kinda like adding another set of wheels to a car, u dont need them.

My advice: Sell the other mixer and firepod, get the adat expansion board and an RME hammerfall ADAT interface, learn how to use the 01V properly. You should always have 16 in/16 out directly from the 01V to the computer, not via the other sound interface
Well I would, but I use my 01V out too much to leave it set up as a permanent console. I use it out whenever I have a gig, I mic my drums up to the 01V, I control everything EQ, Gates, FX whatever, than send a stereo signal to the FOH guy....yes its different, but I like to be in control of how MY drums sound. So anyway, I figured it out, I can do what I was talking about, the only limitation is that If I want to send it out and re-record it, I can only do four tracks at once, unless I buy another Firepod. But it will do for now.....