im starting to hate this :(:( help


New member
as much as i love recording etc i record 4 tracks on my 4 trck cool , each one alone sounds really nice (ofcourse better if i add reverb or effects but i dont have , ) anyway, then i try to listen to the 4 together (2 vocals 2 guitars) and it sounds like a river flow its like every sound is lost in the other ?? why does that happen ?? is it the lack of reverb or effects in general ? ? is it my 4 track tascam 424 11 whatever the fuck the name of it is ???
any insight pleaseeeee specially on vocals ...thank you !!
did i mention im soo pissed off about this !! after hours of work and actually fun work i cant get to listen to it correctly
??or in a semi professional way with al together .. ughhh
It's hard saying without hearing it. It could be a lot of things. It could be instruments fighting each other looking for space EQ wise. Maybe try not to record the same guitar set up the same way on the dubs so it's a little easier to seperate things. Just some ideas.
i EQ every track/channel again after i record it do i have to EQ all again while im listening to all four , like at the end ??
jimi said:
i EQ every track/channel again after i record it do i have to EQ all again while im listening to all four , like at the end ??
You have to eq it for the mix. Oftentimes it's the worst standalone sound that actually fits the mix the best.

I've mixed guitars that were almost nothing but high end. Sounded horrible by themselves, but were just right for the mix. As TR said, you need for everything to find it's own space and not be fighting with the other tracks.
how are you panning the guitars and vocals? is it a rhthym guitar and lead guitar?

what style of music are you making?
im playing rhythm and lead style hmmmm cold play radiohead lenny kravitz ? i dunno what style it is rerally :-s
rock i guess