I'm on the web.

Nice Satch licks! Nice Synth tones.
Have you checked out Vinnie Moore? You've got
nice stuff that doesn't lose its sheen at 128
Yep, very good sounding and playing. Good, good, good guitar player.
How much of the d-8 was used? Effects, preamp etc. I was interested in one at one time.
Good job HoGung!

[This message has been edited by bobbo (edited 02-14-2000).]
Wow! My guitar's up for Sale! Man that was an "INCREDIBLE" peice of work! would you mind telling me (we) what you were playing {guitar..amp..effects and whatnot}very good control on the ole whammy too! Eric Johnson, you sound alot like him to me maybe even better...and don't tell me you played that thru a Johnson 150, cause I just got rid of mine.. again that was Killer.
Thanks to you all,I appreciate that.On the D-8 the sound was about how I wanted it before it went in then I'd fix it up some if it needed it on mix-down with a little eq or compression or whatever....I didn't use much of the D-8's other effects.The guitar is a Jackson Stealth [japan version]through my rack set-up thats based around an ART sgx 2000 pre-amp.I miked the guitars through an 8 trak behringer and everything else went direct.Thanks again H.G.
Whoa, Rush meets Joe Satriani (sp?). Dude, good stuff!!! No shit, straight up. Really liked the beginning to Vlevet Creeper. I can feel a little RUSH influence and some Joe Sat. especially when your doing your scales with your leads. Good though, nice and tasty. Good recording and mixing. I had thought about putting some of my instrumental stuff out there, but no freaking way after listening to yours.
Really liked it.
No way Schmoe, if we start seeing things that way and Clapton post anything here we're all finished. There will always be a scale of talent and a learning curve, so don't hesitate to post it's how we learn, get feedback, and grow.

HoGung I have listened to this about 12 times now, still sounds great! So tell me if I start to learn the electric guitar today how many hours of scales and practise will it take to get me to where you are :D

I tried to D/L your song... MP3.com gave me a bunch of grief about my email address... I entered it... FuckU@ASSHOLE.COM...
They tell me it sounds good... oh, well...
Astral Blues , good tune. Kinda...bluesy lol...Thunderskull set a mood. Kinda...trippy... In A Perfect World - way better musically than Dead stuff, I dig the slide work....
Now, (drum roll) Velvet Creeper ROCKS!!!!! Tune, everything....so good....
By the way, the chinese artwork on the site, was that from a tapestry or a painted panel/screen...kinda liked it too....gibs
The artwork was off the internet,of course. I don't have a scanner or I'd have put a photo of me or my rusty orange VW van on there.

[This message has been edited by HoGung (edited 02-23-2000).]