Im New i need suggestions and help with my music project...Listen and help me out lol


New member
Yeah ive only been recording for about a week, i bought the Delta 44 sound card and The Yamaha MG12/4..for my pc i have 3.0 ghz and lots of ram, and for my laying down tracks and editing im using Cool Edit Pro 2.0. I just started recording my band with all this stuff within two days algo..Heres my link to my song im working on(its not done at all lol)

Please tell me what u think....and if posible can someone help me out and help me mix this..

My AOl instant mesenger Sn is Rufiochris581

I suggest you pick up a couple of books on the subject of Recording... you need to get some basic concepts under your belt before going any further.

Here's a link to my articles page - it has a list of recommended reading material at the both, as well as a list of articles and references that may help you.
no volume... no dynamics...

is the kit in mono?

yeah, you probably need to do a bit of reading before continuing...