I'm in dire straits (ie I want my cubase...to work)


New member
points for clever title?

Anyway I'm having a major problem and I'm hoping some of you have experienced it and have figured out a way to deal with it.

I have this problem where a session file opens one day and the next it doesn't work. The place it gets stuck is when the dialog window showing what is loading (channels, fx plugins, VST instruments etc). it usually gets stuck on the same place every time. i've tried reinstalling those plugins but it gets stuck in the same spot.

the thing is other songs that use the same plug ins are opening no problem. any clues or are those sessions just busted (in which case I am gonna have to give my client some money back...)

any ideas?
It's happened to me once or twice. I fixed it by either removing the plugins that cause the problem (you will get the "can't find plugin X" message but the project will load) or using a backup of the project file.

On a side note, never ever EVER have only 1 project file for a project, especially if you are doing it for money. Computers fuck up all the time and you just can't blame it on the machine anymore when your client is standing on the doorstep expecting a full album you only got a couple of scratch tracks left.