I'm doing broadway now!!! Critique please

Mix sounds fine to me. Lady's got an interesting voice, what accent is that? Here and there a bit flat, but with character.
You've got the snare on just one side, but I guess that was your intention. Nice string sounds! Pretty good job.

Joe :)
i am begining to suspect i'm overly sensitive to intonation.... but that was painful... was this a put-on??? autodetuned???
I'm with Joey on this one. The backing is lush, and you've recorded the voice well.

The voice has good character, but really struggles with this song. Maybe not the right key, and maybe unfamiliar with the arrangement?

Anyway, I couldn't bring myself to finish the whole song. That's not a reflection on the quality of the recording as such, but on the singing performance.
Wow, umm i can see the timing thing. I didn't think the singing was flat or sharp...just a different key than the original. Maybe i have a better song for her voice...try Crazy if you could please. This is my wife. She is originally from the Phillipines, but lived here most of here life...accent is there even in singing...i've often wondered why that it is some singers you can't hear it in and others you can. Well anyway try Crazy out, i think that is much more fitting of her voice. Thanks

I thought the mix sounded really full and clear on my phones. Hardly feel qualified to comment on pitch and singing in key as I totally suck at singing...to my ears , the song itself did not seem like a good fit for her voice...the rthym of the vocal seemed a bit off at times...agree with earlier post that it sounds like she has a very good voice , just maybe this wasen't the best song for her.
I liked "Crazy" much better for the vocal....she seems much more comfortable and confident with this one....
The mix is fine. The singer is errr, ummm, ahhhh, not acceptable.:o She really needs to work on her timing a LOT, and her pitch.

[PokeDavid]Back off you jerk, it's his wife![/PokeDavid] :D :p

Ok, the mix is very cool. The voice is very good. But there are some pitch issues which are audible. So just the pitch stuff but the voice is good. The accent is kind of noticeable. But that's kind of a cool thing.

BTW, listened to Crazy. The tune itself is pretty cool, and voice is cool.
Crazy sounds pretty good too...kinda takes you back to 1955... I wasn't around yet at the time!
Even here her voice has lots of character, but you chose real difficult music for her to sing to. It's just small instances where she's off, like in the jazzier chords. I think if you both work on it she can develop a really nice voice.

Joe :)
no biggy guys, she takes critisism well. I think she has a really good voice...like everything can always be improved upon. She has a really thick accent which i think makes certain words sound a little strange...and the timings are sometimes a little outta-whack due to the pronunciation. She sings the songs she likes just for fun, i just posted on here to see what people thought. I am a metalhead...i definately shouldn't be choosing the songs to sing for her! She does do some scorpions pretty well...still loving you, and heaven by bryan adams. not my cup of tea but she has fun.
she has a good tone..it sounds good in spots, but in others, its ALMOST as bad as my wifes singing...:D

id suggest when she tracks vocal, have a scratch track with the melody line recorded out for her going into the cans..that would help guide her...
Crazy - just a few pitchy spots, but as mentioned, this is a seriously tough song to sing.

The only things I thought to recommend is:
1) Warm up your voice before tackling and try a few sing-throughs before recording. It takes me about 1/2 hour of warm ups then I sing a couple songs before I even turn on the record button. It's still not always enough :rolleyes:;)
2) Remember to breath so you have enough wind to sing all the phrases (which can be long).
3) Practice, practice, practice.

Again this is a tough song...so it might take a few tries to get a solid take.

Mix-wise it sounds pretty wll balanced. The reverb is a little noticeable, I'd dial it back a touch unless that's the vibe you're going for.

She does have a nice rich voice. Record some more and post 'em....:)
no biggy guys, she takes critisism well. I think she has a really good voice...like everything can always be improved upon. She has a really thick accent which i think makes certain words sound a little strange...and the timings are sometimes a little outta-whack due to the pronunciation. She sings the songs she likes just for fun, i just posted on here to see what people thought. I am a metalhead...i definately shouldn't be choosing the songs to sing for her! She does do some scorpions pretty well...still loving you, and heaven by bryan adams. not my cup of tea but she has fun.

Ok, the Still loving you has got to be in some hall of fame or something. It's one of those Scorpions songs that are just cool. Well, to be honest, most of scorpions songs were pretty cool.

The accent is a plus. I think it adds character. :) Always nice see exotic far off places and different people.
Agree with Bubba, the accent makes it interesting and it sounds good.
IMHO you only have to redo the flat phrases and it'll be good. She doesn't have to sing the whole thing thru again. And it's good that she does what she loves and that you're helping her along with it.
My wife couldn't sing if it killed her....absolutely tone deaf, hopeless....
but then she likes Marillion, so that's understandable! :D