I'm buying Event TR6's on Tuesday!!!


New member
yey, i'm so excited, my first monitors!!! i've been researching like a hawk, and for the price range and from what i've heard from many ppl, they look like they will suit me very well. (399US)

if you are hard core religious on a certain monitor, this is your chance to stop me lol. but i can't afford much more then the 399US right now.

one thing i've read a lot about is ppl having hissing problems with bad cables...what cables could you recomend (best budget too) that would asure me on this problem? thanks
A lot of people around here talk about the Wharfdale Diamond Pro 8.2's. I think one of the guys here that runs a professional mastering studio says that even if they costed a thousand dollars he'd cough it up..

btw... they go for about $350.00. With the hype they get on this board I'm considering selling my Event TR5's to get them.

I do really like the Event TR's though. I hear a lot in my mixes that I wouldn't otherwise. I run it with an M Audio SBX sub and I think the clarity across the whole frequency spectrum is just amazing.
earthboundrec said:
A lot of people around here talk about the Wharfdale Diamond Pro 8.2's. I think one of the guys here that runs a professional mastering studio says that even if they costed a thousand dollars he'd cough it up..

btw... they go for about $350.00. With the hype they get on this board I'm considering selling my Event TR5's to get them.

I do really like the Event TR's though. I hear a lot in my mixes that I wouldn't otherwise. I run it with an M Audio SBX sub and I think the clarity across the whole frequency spectrum is just amazing.

So why would you want to sell them and get Wharfdales when your TR's are clearly working for you? No offence, I just don't understand the logic behind dumping a pair of monitors that have been contributing positively to your mixes for a pair of monitors that a bunch of people are "hyping". :confused:
I suppose "hype" may be the wrong word. A lot of people whose opinions I would take into consideration when making a purchase give the Wharfdales high marks.

Also, with a price of only $339.00 it's not really breaking the bank or anything. If I didn't like them over the TR's I could easily get another pair of TR's for the price that a used pair of Wharfedales would go for.

Also, I've heard that Deepwater here sells them for under $300.

I do like the TR's, but I'm really interested in a pair of the Wharfedales, so I'll probably be in the market for them soon. Chances are I'd buy the Wharfedales before selling the TR's so that I'd get a chance to A/B them to see which I prefer anyways.

Plus they look bad ass!! :D
thanks for the replies guys!!!

i don't think its really fair comparing a tr5 (5") and 8.2's (6.5") you'll obviously get a better low frequency reading on the 6.5's. the reason's i'm straying away from the wharfe's even though they're so huge on the board because i can't hear them b4 i buy them. no offense, but i think its a really risky move buying speakers without hearing them, the whole world could be praising them, but they just might not work for me. and the one earlier thread stating the hype and the colouring was enough to convince me, becuase after reading lots of the reviews, ppl were to hung up on them sounding good opposed to accurate.

all of my research has lead me to believe i want the tr-6's the best in there price range, and i'm pretty set they're the ones i'll get, but 2-3hrs in the music store listening to my favorite film sound track "braveheart" by james horner. and some funky house music, to get a wide spectrum, that will lock my final decision.