I'm back...REDWATER...Take a gander...

Sounds like a live recording, that's cool, but i miss the people singing and screaming. Besides that, good work man.
Alright it's all set now, link works!

Thanks we wanted a raw real sound...live, but with certain studio treatments!
Our first album review up!!!


Redwater: Time Is A Lie (Redwater Music)

At first it seems one has stumbled across a really good hard rock band, crusty as '70s Robert Plant's jeans after a fortnight on tour and unruly as sweaty old Sabbath. And this would be just swell on its own measure but Redwater starts throwing serious curves four tracks in with country tinged corker "Off To War" and from there they roam off the leash, jamming and prodding things with puppy-like energy. The stellar hard rockers return in the tail section and taken together with everything in between – including a real facility with slow burns -Redwater's full-length debut (released February 12) is reminiscent of what Pearl Jam and The Black Crowes did in the 1990s (i.e. taking classic rock and building compelling new shapes atop that foundation). Though many ape Zeppelin and Hendrix, Redwater sweats their musk. They are young and there are definitely some rough edges, but they bear the markings of a band that could one day be really special. They've already offered up a frothing elixir against the Nickelbacks of the world with this highly enjoyable first salvo. (Dennis Cook)
Just one little piece of advice on the bio. Maybe that's not a bio... I dunno. Don't ever slam a successful band unless you're lucky enough to be more successful than they are. It doesn't look to me like you've quite reached the point of being more successful than Nickelback. Fans pick up on that, and it works against you. Regardless of who wrote it, if you repeat it in your promo material it's like you are saying it yourself.
Tunewise, I liked the second one best. Shades of CCR.

That was a review of our record we didn't say it...but I stick to my guns and I know nickleback is successful, very successful but it does not change that they are soulless and make bland corporate terrible music. If my band is singled out for making a stand against that type of music then I am proud--its all real, fire, soul, heart, rawness and that burns and crushes away shit music like that. sorry. but true--we do things different, were real and carry true spirit brother--but thank you for the advice def and glad you dug the song!!!!