I'm about to set up my home studio. Advice Please!!


New member
I'm about to begin buying in equipment to make my own home studio. This is how i want to do it:(bear in mind i dont have much money)

Some sort of mixer into Behringer FCA202 firewire interface
this running into Cubase SX3 (which i already have, and it's legit before anyone asks).
Thing is, i have no idea, once everything is recorded straight into cubase, how to mix it down into stereo then onto cd.

Any advice would help hugely. Cheers
That stupid purple face came from your typing a colon immediately followed by an open parenthesis. This is the emoticon for a frown, which is automatically translated by the BBS software into the purple face. if you want to get rid of the purpse face, edit yur post to use the correct punctuation, which would be to put the colon after the closed parnethesis.

As for "how to mix it down to stereo and create a CD", I'm not sure whwether you are asking how to mix music in general or just asking how Cubase creates a stereo mixdown file. If it's the former, do an Amazon search on "home recording", as that is way to large a subject to cover in a single post. If it's the later, check Cubase's manual/online help for "exporting a mix to stereo."

Yeah it was the latter. Thanks

Any advice on my mixer/interface setup or is there another route i could take??
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