I'm 14 years old and i need FEEDBACK


New member
Hello Everyone!!!

I'm sorry, if I post-off.

My name is Antanas. I'm 14 years old and I'm from Lithuania. I use Ableton Live about 2 years. I make non-commercial music (deep house and other).

I want to know what do you think about my music. I need advice, opinions and possibly a little bit of criticism about my music.

I'm thinking if I continue with the creation of works of music or not.




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Post this in the MP3 clinic. Once you post 10 times, you can provide a real link.

(What is it with 14 year olds feeling a need to tell us how old they are. This is about the 5th 14 year old this month that makes it a point to tell us their age. Weird.)
Not everyone could make a 2:20 song out of just a kick drum and some filters and other assorted samples. I congratulate you on pushing the boundaries of minimalism. You are without doubt one of the most innovative musicians of our time and I look forward to hearing more from you. You will most assuredly be granted a space in the pantheon of musical gods of our time, in time. I look forward to prostrating myself at your feet and feasting on the crumbs of wisdom that you throw in the direction of us, less-talented, souls.

Hail! Hail! Hail!

Come back when you're 21 and we'll see how you've progressed.
Not everyone could make a 2:20 song out of just a kick drum and some filters and other assorted samples.

Haha, I was going to say, the very first "song" is a minute of kick drum exclusively, then some random weird filtered noise for 30 seconds, then another simple drum pattern.

Is the song not finished, or...?
(What is it with 14 year olds feeling a need to tell us how old they are. This is about the 5th 14 year old this month that makes it a point to tell us their age. Weird.)

I think the government is trying to sting some pedophiles on this site. But actually I listened to the first 2 songs and they were basically just kick. Maybe there is an audience out there that is fine with hearing bass drums playing quarter notes but I think most people prefer music with more than a looped kick.
How you can rate the artist's music, if you don't listen any of his works? Yes, it can be seen from the first impression, but it is often wrong. Mostly my age performers to electro house music and use fl studio. Quite a few of these performers is overemphasized. They care most about and promote itself to get feedback. They forgotten the two most important things in music: sound engineering and quality. Why are those performers who music which badly, embeds a few working very often popular and wealthy? And the ones who are really trying, puts a lot of work often remain underestimated. I'm different than they are. I add a lot of work in music production, it looks like I'm talented, but unfortunately, I am not rated.

So DEAR PEOPLE if you don't listen my music, please don't rave about them to such nonsense. This is called a false opinion. I had hoped to get at least some sort of advice, but unfortunately, there was some kind of misunderstanding.
As much as I am a fan of HR. I disagree that the most important parts of music are sound engineering and quality. I would much rather listen to Guided by Voices, Black Flag, or Sebadoh than Nickelback or Creed. The composition itself and the performance is significantly more important than sound quality.

Crap in=Crap out no matter how well recorded it is. I did give your songs a listen and they were very sparse and repetitive. My advice to you is to add more to your songs: A chord progression, melody, and different sections (intro, verse, chorus, etc.) could be a start. Don't worry about fidelity until you have a good arrangement. I am glad you are trying to be different and you want people to acknowledge your talents however you need to devote more time and energy to songwriting.
OK, the first one, No light, there is nothing there. Green Light and The Hope, there I heard dance music. I could see people on the floor dancing with this. Do the songs as if you were performing this live and put some action in it. I know Ableton gives you plenty of tools to do this, so same ol, same ol should not be an option.

You have the tools, you have the mind, and I can see you have something in Green Light and Hope and (The Faith).

Keep Pushing Man.
I think the government is trying to sting some pedophiles

The government should worry about pedophiles IN the government first. :eek:

But seriously, I didn't mean to snuff the enthusiasm of a 14 year old. I remember how excited I was about anything I did musically when I was 14...hell, I still have that same enthusiasm to a certain extent. I just found it funny that we've ad at least 3 14 year olds in the last month, making it a point to say in their thread title that they're 14. No 15 or 16 year olds, no 12 or 13 year olds, only 14 year olds. It's just a funny co-incidence is all.
I kid about the government. Now that you point it out I see the pattern. Perhaps I should add that I am 18 whenever I start a new thread. :D