

pornk rock
IKMultimedia is currently doing a "group buy" for their plugins. At first I was a little put off because of the use of that term - I mean, Chance P. did a couple of group buys here a few years ago, where a bunch of us from a few boards came together and went directly to a Chinese factory to get mics and preamps (some of which I use just about daily today). There was no retailer/middleman involved - we were on our own, and that was kind of exciting (and poor Chance and team had to do a buttload of work and absorb a ton of risk and freakouts from us, and it took longer than anyone thought, and we came to appreciate how retailers earn their keep, I think). (I couldn't bring myself to put "group buy" in the subject line of this thread - I guess I can't come up with a better term, though, so there you go)

Anyway - enough of that - the IKMultimedia thing is, instead, a way to drive their sales by offering a progressively bigger discount as the group of buyers grows up to a certain deadline - doing 2 for 1, 3 for 1, or 4 for 1 (and I think 5 for one in the extreme case) as the count surpasses certain thresholds. This encourages buyers like me to do what I'm doing now - spread the word to make the group bigger.

IK Multimedia. Musicians First.

Full disclosure - I'm already in it for two (which means I have a total of 6 plugins, and I'm anticipating 2 more soon). I don't really need even the 6 - only because I have been on an obscene spree with plugins for about a year. I guess that's the danger for me - with the the way the exercise is put together, I have the tendency to view each plugin as a unit of interchangeable value, when actually they're only valuable if you're going to use them. For instance, I'm actually tempted to buy a third, both to advance the counter and to get the follow on 3 (or 4 or 5) additional free ones, but I'm clinging to sanity for now :)

That said, the IK plugs -- especially the newer ones -- are really high quality (and iLok free! if you're into that sort of thing), and I've already started using a couple of them in preference over the ones I currently use for certain functions.

So anyway - if you were considering picking up some new plugins for certain things, now's a great time to look at the IK ("T-Racks") ones in blocks of 3 or 4 - as I write, they're effectively 66% off, and soon they'll be 75% off (and conceivably 80% off, but that seems unlikely). Be sure to read the article - the freebie has to be of equal or lesser price.
These have worked out for this company in the past. They did the virtual instrument collection and if I remember right they hit enough people to give away the entire set.

That said, man I just don't need any of these plugins so I won't be picking up any of them.
I have tried none of them so no input here really other than a question; Why?

If a particular plugin was worth the money then wouldn't you just demo it an buy it? Who needs a full set of plugins just because it is made by one designer?

From my experience it is best to purchase what works for you by using a plug.

I have maybe 6 third party vst's that I go to constantly. Maybe another 5 that I use occasionally. A bunch of stuff that I never use but might try if I am bored. That don't happen very often.
Clipper and the opto comp are actually really good. The opto comp is great for smashing the heck out of vocals.
The 670, eq73, white channel, and precision comp/limiter would be a great set for $125 - these and some of the others compare well to any software you can get right now. Of course I only know that because I have way too many plugs