if you're bored...


New member
you can listen to another song i recorded this afternoon...

of course critique is always welcomed - rip away,
(but i am by no means trying to "wow" anyone - i have the bare essentials to record with on my computer and decided to post this thing for the hell of it)

i know that i'll always learn something from your replies,

(oh, and i know i butchered the guitar solo, but i don't really consider myself a "guitar player" anyways...)


Sparkling Divine - www.nowhereradio.com/johnsmith/singles
well...I'm not bored. I enjoy listening to stuff here in the clinic.

decent enough song, with some unusual bg harmonies. It was hard for me to make out any lyrics. Can you pan some of the stuff out..?...it was a very mono mix...with the exception of the harmony vocals...and the spread really made them jump out. No percussion stuff laying around the house...? ..shakers, tamborine...?? bongos??
Hello Alaking,

Just took a listen to your tune. Not bad of a song. Kind of has a folkish quality to it which I like, but it is ambiant enough to keep your attention.

Understanding the equipment you are recording on, I agree with Mixmkr about maybe panning the instruments out a bit to bring your vocal forward in the mix. The mix sounded a little bit muddy on my machine, but I can only listen in lo-fi, so that probably has something to do with it.

I really wanted to hear some percussion come in maybe on the second verse. Just something light, not too heavy.

This tune has a good feel and groove to it. Maybe a bit of mixing and adding some percussion and you'll have something going.

Keep it up!
SPARKLING DIVINE - The singing reminds me of David Gilmour. Overall, it has that minimalistic approach Floyd used every now and then. The fret noises kinda annoyed me, but other than that, the song is good. Just sit back and relax in your granny's rocking chair, I tell ya!

NUMB - :) This is the second time I hear the chords of "Fat Old Sun" on this message board. I guess it's kinda generic pattern. The fret noises are here and there, but don't annoy as much as in "Sparkling Divine". I liked the synth sound. Brought a little more to the song. Short, but to the point. I like this stuff.
thanks for the replies guys, as always.

i will most definately do some more panning on this track - since it does sound a bit "muddy". the main obstacle for me is mixing my stuff down on headphones - since they are all i have right now :(

and i've been searching for some sort of percussion, but then realized i dont really have any. i think i will borrow a shaker from "my" drummer and got on top of that

and crankyone - yeah, that fret noise drives me nuts, but its the only guitar i have (somethign i picked up 2nd hand for $80 Canadian)

when i get around to finishing up this one, ill be sure to re-post it

I agree with the panning thing, also try to to play with mic placement, don't just stick it to the sound hole, it works for me.

If you have a cheap guitar and the intonation is not very good. Try to tune it to the chord. Like this song is i think is Am so you would make sure that when you play Am the intonation is good. It might be a little off when you play G but then it's not in the song so that's fine.

Alaking said:
and crankyone - yeah, that fret noise drives me nuts, but its the only guitar i have (somethign i picked up 2nd hand for $80 Canadian)

Actually, don't worry about the fret-noises. What I heard was far worse you can imagine, since I played the song streaming through Mediaplayer, so the voice got distorted in some weird way and amidst the strumming, I could hear some weird 'farting' noises. As soon as I listened the song with Winamp, the noises were gone, so the problem was not you, it was my Mediaplayer with the streaming. I have apologised at least three people already for this :) It seems I'll have to stop using Mediaplayer and the streaming function, as it seems to have some weird side-effects with the sound.
cool tune..

the overall intonation thing, combined with the vox being out every now and then started to get to me.. I liked the tune but the outness is distracting IMOP..

cool tune overall though..
Nice track man, I agree with everything already said: needs more panning, the vocals need to be brought out more, and some rythym is absolutely necessary. You heard about Fruity Loops? I know it's not the best solution but it'll get you by, specially if you find some decent samples you like. It's pretty cheap and *cough-morpheus*, uhhh, got this awful cold, sorry....
