If you mix HipHop pls Hop in...Quick 1-2 Questions!!!


New member
i just got my studio equipment...and for now...i am concerned about getting a good enough mix to sell my cd's to the public and for radio play...not anything too professional but just to get the job done.

now i get beautiful takes...my mic and all is positioned properly...my question is...wat FX can i play with and leanr more about in order to mix my vocals...i use Reaper....thanks
One of the things people will preach to you is LISTEN... annoying thing is they are in most cases correct. Learning what piece of equipment does what is when to use it will give you the results you want.
Compare your track to a recording you like..
Is your vocal too bright/bassy? Use an EQ
Do certain words stand out too much? Use a compressor to tame out the peaks
Do you want to sound like your in a hall? Use reverb (SPARINGLY!!!)
Want to sound like a robot? Use a vocoder

Check out this web page:
Read a couple of articles and experiment.. see what you like.
Good luck with your CD