if you have one laying around...


New member
As I anxiously await the arrival of my audiophile 2496 and my sm57, I am curious as to what kinda of quality I can expect from this combo. If any of you have recordings with this duo (and little or no other fancy doo-dads in the link) I would love to hear them.

(And when will we have matter transporters in every home, so we don't have to wait so long for things via mail!!!?)

thanks muchly.
That combo should work just fine. I used a 2496 for a few years and was very satisfied with the quality. And an SM57 is an all-around good mic. Just get a good preamp for it cuz the AP has no pre's
Do you have a preamp/mixer already??

While waiting,
make your self a couple of 1/4"jack - RCA cables for the AP2496. :)
Up 'till now I have just been using my tascam 4-track as a preamp. I just plug in to its mixer and send things to my souncard via the "monitor out". Although lately the "monitor out" has sorta loosend (the RCA connection) and every now and then emits a loud annoying buzz if it is jostled in anyway.

so... I have been thinking about the "Audio Buddy" preamp.

sub-question: with this preamp, do I just need cables that are 1/4" on one end, and a single or double RCA end on the other (to plug into the souncard)?

anyone with audio examples to post?

thanks Stealthtech and Leeking