Idiot newbie FruityLoops question


New member
Okay I'm totally confused here. I installed Acid and FruityLoops 4 on my PC. Acid seems to work fine... however, FruityLoops soudns WEIRD. Like where there should be drum tones I think, I only hear what sounds like static or distortion and/or loud annoying clicks...

Help anyone?

I'm wondering if I need a better sound card or something?
First, I hate to ask, but is this copy of Fruity Loops legitimate? Because, if not, your pirated version may have nixed the samples to save space.

If this isn't the case, go to the "Audio" preferences section (don't have computer with FL on it in front of me, so my wording may be off). From there, make sure you have the correct soundcard selected and latency settings. Try that, and let us know what happens. ;)
Also, another good idea would be to support the guys at FLStudio's hard work and actually buy their product like everyone else. I think that anyone who doesn't pay for a program doesn't deserve to know how to use it.
I'm 99.9% posative he's using a pirated version, mainly because I know no one would drop 300-400 bucks only on 2 looping programs, where one or the other would work just fine.

Just support the industry thats so badly declining... :(