Identify this MIC!


New member
Hey guys, can anyone identify the microphone in these low res screen grabs? The mic looks amazing, i am extremely curious what it is.

Kinda-almost-sorta looks like a Beyerdynamic M130 in that it appears to be a bi-directional ribbon mic and has the same basic shape, but I've not seen a Beyerdynamic that has that sort of grille.

It's also similar in shape to the M-Audio "Luna" series, but again has a different grille.
Great work! I think you're right on the lomo head / oktava identification. Anyone know much about the Lomo head? The Okatava MK012 is actually a large diaphragm? I thought it was a small diagraphm, like the SM81. Anyway, curious about this head- it looks great- any idea on sound?
The MK-012 is a small diaphragm condenser, but the capsule is removable. The LOMO head is a large diaphragm capsule for the MK-012 body.
Thanks guys- pretty expensive for the whole deal- around $700 for mic and head? Seems a bit high for what it is- i guess i will scour ebay ///
Ha yes! The danger of pictures. No I am not purchasing one, I was trying to find any info regarding that mic/head combo- and retailers are usually a good start, which in turn lead me to discover the head itself is relatively unreported on (or at least not many postings online), and seemingly expensive. As I live in the music equipment-swap capital (nyc) I can occasionally find someone selling one locally via eBay or craigslist that will afford me the opportunity to test it out first.

I have heard great vocals recorded from what I believe is that head but I guess I will not be able to confirm that. I would never purchase something based on a photo alone, I am a bit obsessive compulsive when it comes to researching purchases. I would of course be curious to hear any samples someone may have recorded with a lomo head on an oktava. thanks