Ibanez sr1500


New member
Anyone have any experience with this bass?

It's been discontinued, but I have a buddy trying to sell me one and it's not easy to find information on it.

I don't know if there were other types of sr1500, but this one has the Paduak body in natural satin finish, bolt on laminated neck, EMG active pickups, blahblahblah...I can elaborate further if necessary, but you get the idea.

Any thoughts or opinions on this instrument? I've played it somewhat extensively and have formed opinions myself, but I am interested to hear from others who've played one like it. I already scanned Harmony Central with no luck. Surprisingly, eBay also shows none for auction right now.

Pros? Cons? If you bought one new or used, what did you pay for it (US$) and when? I don't really need another bass but I am always looking for a good deal on gear!

Thanks in advance