i would like you all to listen...


New member

hello all, i would like you all to listen to these songs and get an idea of what kind of sound we are achieving.
it's kinda hard to find people still intrested in the traditional rock/metal sound these days. everyones into the new age metal sound.
anyway, regarding that, we are looking for a vocalist.
now, given that not alot of people are intrested in the traditional metal sound that we have, we are being very careful with vocalists. we would like to find the perfect one. but we don;t want like a traditional metal vocalist. we kinda wanna re-invent the metal vocalist. the biggest thing is they have to be a serious vocalist. not someone who wants to scream and yell and bang their head. someone who takes singing very seriously and artistically.
does anyone here know of anyone in the community that you would recomend we listen to?
your input is very much so appreciated!
hey man im not a great singer so....im out ..lol..but you guys sound pretty tight and ill sure let people kno wabout this thread...nice playing...and good luck with this i know i still dig this music.......

you'll probably get some good feedback if you try posting this in the MP3 Clinic. Even if you don't want mix comments, a lot of the guys will give opinions of your stuff if you want it.......