David W. Pontius
A few days ago, I found a website with some stems on it (https://www.cambridge-mt.com/ms/mtk/) and downloaded one of the songs for practice. It sounds to me like the artist already tried to mix it on their own, based on how some of the levels aren't completely ridiculous. If you would mind giving it a listen, I would appreciate it. I think my mix might be a bit bass-heavy because I used headphones for most of it. What I would like you to focus on is the vocals because I think I got everything to a pretty good level, but there were like almost twenty vocal tracks and I didn't know where to place them panning wise.
EDIT: In response to feedback, I have changed the mix a bit.
A few days ago, I found a website with some stems on it (https://www.cambridge-mt.com/ms/mtk/) and downloaded one of the songs for practice. It sounds to me like the artist already tried to mix it on their own, based on how some of the levels aren't completely ridiculous. If you would mind giving it a listen, I would appreciate it. I think my mix might be a bit bass-heavy because I used headphones for most of it. What I would like you to focus on is the vocals because I think I got everything to a pretty good level, but there were like almost twenty vocal tracks and I didn't know where to place them panning wise.
EDIT: In response to feedback, I have changed the mix a bit.
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