I Want Your Money

Hey macle- GREAT sound. You really get these dense arrangements to work. I really dig the instrumentation alot... The sax, wah guitar... everything is just really well-balanced. The breaks sound super clean and the vocals just pop. I can't believe that's one take. Mind if I ask what your vocal chain is like?
Macle - I can't get your song to play off of the link in your site? Maybe its because I have an older browser?

Hmmm, I don't know. It's a little flash player, maybe you have a flash blocker or something? Or you need a flash update? No one else has told me they can't get it to play so, yeah, maybe it's your browser or something.

Sorry about that!
Hey macle- GREAT sound. You really get these dense arrangements to work. I really dig the instrumentation alot... The sax, wah guitar... everything is just really well-balanced. The breaks sound super clean and the vocals just pop. I can't believe that's one take. Mind if I ask what your vocal chain is like?

Thanks very much. I just got an Audio Technica 4047 on Ebay. It's the first condenser mic that seems to be alright when I shriek into it! So that into a Brent Averill API into a Distressor with a good amount of compression. Then some more compression and a tiny bit of reverb. I was going to put more effects, delay and whatever, but I kind of liked it drier.

Thanks a lot!
This is really cool - the lyrics are really unusual and made me laugh & the whole thing has an excellent warm tubey sound. Only beef I had was with the fade out, (which may well be a personal preference thing) but fade outs always sound like a bit of a cop out to me. Otherwise, terrific.
This is really cool - the lyrics are really unusual and made me laugh & the whole thing has an excellent warm tubey sound. Only beef I had was with the fade out, (which may well be a personal preference thing) but fade outs always sound like a bit of a cop out to me. Otherwise, terrific.

Thanks. I know what you mean about fade outs although I do like them. That reminds me, I was going to do a fade back in and have a sloppy band fall apart type ending, but I forgot! Shoot! Oh well. Maybe I'll re-do that at some point. I have some alternate lyrics, so maybe I'll do an alternate version if I can get around to it with a different ending.
