I want to hear again


New member
Just out of curiosity, for how long do you guys mix without taking a break? I've found that my ears get tired pretty quickly, and I start to "not hear anything" (it's hard to describe, but basicly it's all a mess).
Also, any tips on how to "refresh" your ears quickly? I've found I can most objectively judge a mix in the morning, just after waking up, but a whole night's sleep is quite a long time to wait to be able to accurately "hear" again... Any tips?

Sounds like you're using NS-10s!!! :)

Try getting monitors that aren't fatiguing, not to mention the optimum monitoring level is about 85db. If you go over that for long periods, fatigue is more much likely, even with good monitors.


.....actually I'm using my computer speakers at the moment...But I don't think you guys understood what I meant...
What I meant is that after hearing a mix over and over again, there comes a point after which I just can't judge it objectively anymore...It's not that my hearing gets worse, but I know, I should get monitors...It basicely comes down too knowing when to stop mixing, when a mix sound as good as it can considering the tracks that were recorded.
I'm just a mixing newbie looking for some advice...Any tips? (besides buying monitors; I will as soon as I can afford it!)
When I mix I have the basics levels and such in about a half hour to an hour. then 6-8 hours I spend tweeking everything that needs tweeking. Take more breaks and save quickly, monitors will help tons!
When I mix I have the basics levels and such in about a half hour to an hour. then 6-8 hours I spend tweeking everything that needs tweeking. Take more breaks and save quickly, monitors will help tons!
Ns10's = computer speakers!
not even

hey wallycleaver,

ns10ms= the most translatable speakers you ever mixed on.

I understand what you are talking about. Like when you are doing a mix, and somebody who has not heard it before walks in and says "the reverb is too much" or something like that.

What I do is to save it as a wav and then put it in a playlist along with some commercially available and successful songs, and shock my self with the song after hearing about 3 songs.

that points out unconformities in your music. Not that unconformities are always bad.
Re: not even

CyanJaguar said:

ns10ms= the most translatable speakers you ever mixed on.

BIG FREAKIN' YIKES, CyanJaguar!!!!!!!!!

....translatable only IF you can get your ears used to all their sonic deficiences. Hell, you can get used to and mix on Radio Shack speakers too, but with all the well-priced, high-quality monitors available now, why would anyone subject themselves to the pain!


