I want a tube amp for my style

The Fender Hot Rods are actually quite nice. I owned one for a bit, and it had a great clean and a nice smooth middy distortion. It didn't do "heavy" very well, though, it was more vintage voiced. You could get up to alt-rock bordering on grunge, but for hard rock/metal it wouldn't be my first choice, at least not without a distortion.

Yeah, you need a distortion pedal to get great metal distortion on a Hot Rod Deville or Deluxe. The thing is this though....every metal guitarplayer I have ever known runs an outboard distortion of some kind. It's the only way to get the distortion as heavy as you want it without big fluxuations in the volume level.

Here is the main reason I recomended the HRD and HRDv amps.
Distortion comes in a box but massive volume and a stellar clean tone has to come from the amp.
You get amazing volume and fantastic clean tones for those amps...plus you a good tube overdriven sound for blues and classic rock.

Pick your favorite "distortion in a can" stomp box and you're all set.
You get amazing volume and fantastic clean tones for those amps...plus you a good tube overdriven sound for blues and classic rock.

Pick your favorite "distortion in a can" stomp box and you're all set.
yep .....the deluxe is amazing for such a small amp ..... and the deVilles are just flat out potent.
I've never been sold on the whole tube deal. I'd say get the best rig you can at your price point, if that's low, solid state is likely the way to go. I've heard phenomenal solid state amps and awful tube amps. Also heard the opposite. Thing is tube is more expensive for similar quality, unless you wanna spend a decent amount solid state may be the way to go.

Our guitarist got a Twin, awesome amp, except the bias kept going off and frying tubes, phonic tubes are awesome for your sound BTW, but hated the weight of the thing, so he got a Champ 12. Man that thing came straight from Satan's rectum. Worst sounding POS it has been my misfortune to have been with.

Another thing, I've never heard a combo that'll touch a stack, tube or SS.
Yeah, you need a distortion pedal to get great metal distortion on a Hot Rod Deville or Deluxe. The thing is this though....every metal guitarplayer I have ever known runs an outboard distortion of some kind. It's the only way to get the distortion as heavy as you want it without big fluxuations in the volume level.

With something like that, maybe... Myself, I go straight into the front end of a Rectifier. Then again, I don't go after THAT high a gain sound, but even those that do, most of the other Recto users I know are using a Tube screamer out front not really to boost the level or increase saturation much, but more as a pre-EQ to tighten up the low end a bit. For seven string and low tuned technical metal it's kinda become the de-facto setup - blame Andy Sneap. :)

Squibble, there's a guy over on a forum I run, http://www.metalguitarist.org, selling a Mesa DC-5 for $600 right now out of Oklahoma City. Spectacular amp - it'll do metal and hard rock no sweat, but I've also seen guys play blues rock gigs through them as well, and it really has a spectacular clean. Definitely worth a look.
Thanks everyone. I looked at all of these amps. It will be a while before I get one, but I'm just getting an idea of what I want now.
Check Egnater Rebel 30. Switchable, record out with cabinet simulator (I have a renegade with similar record out, and it sounds really good) that can record silently.

I'm a big fan of all these Egnater options and have a Rebel 20 and the Renegade head. They have a great amount of flexibility, good customer service and do a great clean and distortion.
