I think this is very interesting...

JasonBird said:
Don't even get me started on the MOTU shit!:mad:
Wow dude, you really need some perspective! :eek: :rolleyes: :p

You should really try to record with a SB Live! :D
BluesMeister said:
Porter of this parish has an Edirol soundcard. I don't recall which model it is, however, if Mr Porter would kindly give us the low-down on his Edirol sound card, we would be most appreciative.

I'm using an
Edirol DA-2496 . I've personally had no problems with this card (once I disabled the Sound Blaster in Sonar). The converters are very nice. From what I've heard better than the Digi001... from what I hear that wouldn't be too hard. How true this next statement is, the guy who I bought it from (works for a music store in Sydney) says that he uses these cards in his studio. And down the track you can install up to 4 of these cards for 32 channel inputs.

So Mr White Disco Afro King,

Are you more confused than ever???

What are your system specs?

I've had a bit of stuttering and glitchness with HS2004XL & ASIO. What buffer size did you specify on yours?


How much did you pay for the DA2496? It certainly looks like the business. What are the recommended system specs for that particular sound card?

Was there any bundled software of any use with the package?

If this were USB 1, I'd be worried. But, as it's USB 2.0, which is something like 400+ Mbps, I'd say this is worth a closer look.
If Edirol can get this thing to have bulletproof stability, it'd definitley be a cool piece of gear.

In the meantime, wait for a few reviews to pop up before you drop cash on it.

I paid Aud$400 for my EWX2496 about three years ago. It's not quite in the same league as the Edirol 2496, but at least you & I don't need a Cray SuperComputer to run the damn things. :) Two ins & two outs is fine for me at this time.

If I was going for an 8-in & 8-out sound card, I'd be sorely tempted by that Edirol 2496. That rack-mount panel alone makes me go all weak at the knees...


Have you considered the Edirol 2496 sound card? You know you want one, and wifey won't say no. Just give her that "special" smile of yours. You know it makes sense. ;)

Mr White Disco Afro King,

What OzNimbus says is probably quite correct regarding USB2, and parting with cash. Sorry, we've not been a great deal of help to you - but that's what we're here for! :D

Check out my thread in the mp3 clinic if you wanna know why I changed my avatar and name.

Thanks guys! :)
BluesMeister said:


Have you considered the Edirol 2496 sound card? You know you want one, and wifey won't say no. Just give her that "special" smile of yours. You know it makes sense. ;)

But your highness, I have already got M-Audio Delta 1010LT now beside the SBLive! DE 51... :cool: :D They form a perfect combination of the right machine for the right duties :D

(Actualy, moskus started me thinking of ditching the SBLive!, but I'm too lazy to mess with my machine again until next month :o So let it be there for a while, as long as it doesn't make any problem... No smoke = no fire... right ? :D )

Of course Jaymz,

I remember now, you did mention it on a previous occasion...

May you and your Delta Lady be eternally happy. :)

James Argo said:
(Actualy, moskus started me thinking of ditching the SBLive!, but I'm too lazy to mess with my machine again until next month :o So let it be there for a while, as long as it doesn't make any problem... No smoke = no fire... right ? :D )
Okay, I'll try to accept this... :eek:

But promise me if you get problems, the SB Live has to go! :D