I think it's time for some good monitors.....a few questions too.....


New member
The drawbacks of trying to record and using computer speakers as monitors has become painfully obvious to me. What I'm hearing while working on a project, and how the final outcome sounds to others is totally different, especially on the low end.

I think it's time to invest in some nice monitors. I'm not really sure how to incorporate them into my current system, though. Should I just "replace" my current speaker system with powered/flat response monitors? ......Or do I take the line out from my soundcard (SBlive....yea, I know) and run it back to my mixer ( Yamaha MG10/2) then run the speakers from there?

I need some help.........

Budget: I don't know, $400-500, maybe more............

Thanks for your help.
In my experience, you're going to have much better control over your volume if you go to a mixer or dedicated monitor section than using the mixer in your PC.

Decent monitors in that range (powered) - M-Audio BX8's (one of my personal faves) and Yorkvilles.

John Scrip - www.massivemastering.com
Agreed with John on the external mixer comment.

You might also want to check out the Event TR8's. I have a pair of the 5's and they're very good for the price. I auditioned them against M-audio (too bright), and against Behringers (too muddy, no low end, etc.). I did listen to the TR8's and they were great, and I would have bought them had I the money.