I think I understand gain staging now

Nice song, and nice performance. The only knock I have is, it sounds like it was recorded in a non treated bedroom. Do you have any room treatment at all?
Man you have great ears. It was recorded in a non treated bedroom.

Any ideas on where a newbie can start research on room treatments? It has to be in a 5th grade vocabulary. :)

Thanks for listening.
I'm not an expert in that subject but you need to get rid of the bad frequencies and enhancing the good ones. That is achieved with adecuated room dimensions, isolating the room from the exterior noise and creating agood space where the sound could live.

For a professional approach got to the Special Forums, into the Studio Building and Display category. Good luck!
Start with bass traps, the more the better. Easy to make. Get yourself some roxul rockwool at atsacoustics.com. and start building. It's easy. Just google broadband sound absorption. There's lots of sites on DIY bass traps, sound absorbers and sound diffusers here and at gearslutz.com.
i like the sound of this even if it is in an untreated room. Probably too much reverb on the vocals just by a hair. maybe that's why GZ said it sounds untreated? unless it's just room reverb. but i doubt it.

Or maybe GZ has really good ears? i honestly couldn't tell it was recorded in an untreated room. a bit thin sounding but i think that suits you voice.
i like the sound of this even if it is in an untreated room. Probably too much reverb on the vocals just by a hair. maybe that's why GZ said it sounds untreated? unless it's just room reverb. but i doubt it.

Or maybe GZ has really good ears? i honestly couldn't tell it was recorded in an untreated room. a bit thin sounding but i think that suits you voice.
I just calz 'em the way I hearz 'em. In any event, room treatment will help not only your recordings, but also your mixing.