I managed to save enough money and went and bought a Allen and Heath Zed10FX for Gaming broadcasting. However being a novice everything is so daunting and I went to Youtube to look for help. Unfortunately there are no novice setup guides on my Mixer.
My question is it possible to do the same functions shown in the video with the Zed10FX?
The Behringer seems to have 2 AUX outs & Alt3+4 which mine doesn't. I was told that the Soundcraft 12 MTK also fulfils the same functions as the Behringer X1204 USB and is better quality but takes up for desk space.
It was pretty stupid of me to dive in and buy a mixer blindly but I still have a 7 day period to return the unit.
Currently I am using one PC with 2 soundcards (I also have a 3rd which is an external Creative Soundcard but have not connected it) but have plans to have a dedicated streaming PC in a few months after the Ryzen 2 refresh affects current component prices.
My current setup for completeness is:
- AKG C214 (I previously used a Rode Procaster)
- DBX 286S
- Allen & Heath Zed10FX ( I previously used a Zoom UAC2)
- PC (Asus STX Soundcard and Motherboard's built in DAC)
Images of my Soundcard & Motherboard I/O
I managed to save enough money and went and bought a Allen and Heath Zed10FX for Gaming broadcasting. However being a novice everything is so daunting and I went to Youtube to look for help. Unfortunately there are no novice setup guides on my Mixer.
My question is it possible to do the same functions shown in the video with the Zed10FX?
The Behringer seems to have 2 AUX outs & Alt3+4 which mine doesn't. I was told that the Soundcraft 12 MTK also fulfils the same functions as the Behringer X1204 USB and is better quality but takes up for desk space.
It was pretty stupid of me to dive in and buy a mixer blindly but I still have a 7 day period to return the unit.
Currently I am using one PC with 2 soundcards (I also have a 3rd which is an external Creative Soundcard but have not connected it) but have plans to have a dedicated streaming PC in a few months after the Ryzen 2 refresh affects current component prices.
My current setup for completeness is:
- AKG C214 (I previously used a Rode Procaster)
- DBX 286S
- Allen & Heath Zed10FX ( I previously used a Zoom UAC2)
- PC (Asus STX Soundcard and Motherboard's built in DAC)
Images of my Soundcard & Motherboard I/O

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