I think i lost my ILok


Medicated Member
it came with the mbox i bought and it had the bomb factory plugins on it. did i just lose alot of stuff or is this salvagable? any ideas? im ganna go check my truck and come back later.
Just get the cracked versions. That is what I do. I won't install dongles or ANY kind of hardware anti-piracy shit.
Ford Van said:
Just get the cracked versions. That is what I do. I won't install dongles or ANY kind of hardware anti-piracy shit.

Hate to say it, but I agree. I choose software based on whether it requires a dongle and won't buy anything that does for this very reason.

Since you do own a license to use the software, you're morally (although possibly not legally) justified in using a cracked version. That said, in the future, you should take this lesson to heart: software whose value goes to zero if you lose a physical anti-piracy token is software whose actual value is zero. Don't buy it, don't use it, don't support it or recommend it.

If you feel that you have to use dongled software, though, make sure the company has a policy that they will reissue keys when (not if) this happens. Some companies do; most don't.
although, if i wanted to try a software before i buy it, where would be the best place to get "dongles"? ive never heard that word used before. :confused:
Although the iLok can be annoying, it has saved my ass numerous times.

Like walking into a new studio and getting all of my plugins.